My daughter is seven and will be eight in a few months. And boy, oh boy, the outbursts I sometimes experience with her. Sometimes, they are directed at me, her brother, or even a friend. These happen mainly in the morning and at school when she doesn’t get her...
My daughter is now in grade one and was diagnosed with dyslexia in March this year. Her teacher didn’t take long to figure out that she was struggling. Reading and writing were the ways her dyslexia came forth. Since then, we have made great strides in helping...
My daughter turned 1, which seems completely unbelievable to me. But also feels in a way, like we made it to some kind of parenting milestone. And when I think back on my year as a mom, there have been so many highs and lows on the journey that I sometimes can’t...
It was a week before Christmas, we just had Sunday lunch with our friends and we decided to go to Woolies to get dessert. On our way home my friend and I spoke about Christmas lunch and decided to have our first Christmas dinner together as friends together with our...
Motherhood I would say Back then was difficult. If I hear what my mom and mother in law had to do when they became mothers, I honestly don’t know if I would be able to do that. Firstly , they had no help from their mothers. They had to look after their babies...
When I look at my 2 boys, I can immediately see they are not alike. Despite the fact that they look different, they laugh, love and play differently. The way they dress is also different and I am learning everyday that I should treat them differently as their...