Soon it will be a new year, 2023.
I like to go through my house every now and then and just declutter my spaces. It opens up space for new things – but also really makes ones get rid of things you don’t need and that has been standing around taking up space for long.
Below is a guide on where to look for the things that take up space.
- Things that stand around in your kitchen or bedroom where they don’t belong, throw away what is not needed. Or put it in a bag and donate it to a children’s home.
- Your wardrobe. I have a rule that whatever I have not worn in a year needs to go, or clothing items and shoes that are damaged. You can sell or donate it.
- Same with your childrens wardrobes. Kids outgrow clothes so quickly. I often find items that are torn, or have holes in them.
- Toys: If your kids are anything like mine, they like to hold onto the smallest toys. Get them to go through all their toys and throw out what they don’t play with anymore.
- Kids artwork and school books. These have a tendency to pile up. Pick out what you like most and chuck the rest.
- Your bedside table and drawers. I have tons of things on my bedside table and drawers. Belts, pills, nail polish, kids toys, empty medicine boxes. I feel like opening up this space by throwing away what is no longer needed or used makes you sleep better cause the chaos right by your head is gone.
- Your wallet: do you also keep slips in there from a year ago? Those take up the most space. Even cards you no longer use. Throw it away. Besides, they wear out your wallet.
- Your jewelry: I had a thing for clay earrings a while back which means I have so many pairs that I hardly wear. Clean them and give them away. Also found bead necklaces from more than 10 years ago recently. My daughter plays with them now. Put your valuables in the safe that you won’t wear often.
- Photo Frames: I have a thing for photos in my house. I have canvas too from years and years ago. I usually hang up the previous year’s photos in my passages at home and the latest ones are in our living spaces. What is nice and easy about frames is you simply replace the photos and you have a new look.
- Baby equipment, blankets and clothes: like prams, carseats and bouncing chairs, bottles, baths. If you have no desire to have another child and don’t foresee it happening soon, do donate it. There is always someone out there in need of baby equipment.