With users staying at home or forced to work from home due to the global lockdown, loungewear has become the preferred style to wear. People are now staying at home for longer periods and spending less money; thus, retailers can now expect home wardrobes to become a trend. In fact, the global tracksuits market is anticipated to rise between 2020 and 2026.
How do I style sweatpants in 2021?
The best way to make sweatpants look sporty and chic is to pair them with a cool T-shirt and finish the look by adding stylish sneakers: Chuck Taylors, slip-ons, wedge sneaks or trainers. You can keep footwear neutral or neon coloured.
What shoes do I wear with tracksuits?
Remember, in general, formal shoes NEVER go well with tracksuit pants. Opt for comfort. Pair with white sneakers, some Vans or hot winter boots.
Should I wear a full tracksuit?
You don’t have to wear the full tracksuit. Instead, just do the trousers with a tucked in shirt. I’m wearing a black polo neck (as old as the road to Cape Town), and paired it with my tracksuit/loungewear pants and hot winter boots. Absolute comfort for the day and still speaking to my style personality.
Did you know there are 15 different style personalities? Wait, what?! Yes! Are you ready to invest in yourself and bring about some change that speaks to your own style personality? Contact me at genoveve@be-you-tiful.org for more information.