Written by Candice Strauss

motherhood | family

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5 May, 2021

Mother’s Day Gift Guide 

With Mother’s Day around the corner I’ve put together some simple gift ideas to help you get your mom something special.

What usually works, and depending on the kind of lady your mama/moeder/meme/ma/mãe is, could be one or more of the following:

  1. Flowers and a box of chocolates: a small yet meaningful gesture
  2. A pamper hamper with bath salts, face mask, body scrub, foot treatments, foam bath, body wash, body lotion and hand lotion
  3. A spa treatment voucher
  4. Pyjamas with (or without) a pair of slippers
  5. A pair of slippers and a foot lotion
  6. Perfume and a beautiful scarf
  7. Recipe book with a personalised apron, if she likes to cook
  8. A box filled with her favourite fancy spices and herbs

Enjoy shopping and I wish all the Mothers, Mothers-to-Be, and Mothers healing from the loss of a child a Beautiful and Happy Mother’s Day. 

Always remember: you are valued and you are loved.  ️



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