Written by Charlene Hartung


1 Comments(s)

25 Oct, 2021

I go through many phases and I’m always trying out new diets and new ways of eating and cooking. Doing this challenges me all the time! Below is a list of snacks I love no matter what phase of life I’m in or what challenge I’m taking on. 

  1. Tuna on cucumber: this snack is one of my absolute favourites. It can be enjoyed as a lunch meal as well. 
  2. Cucumber, peppers, cocktail tomatoes and carrot sticks: An easy snack for someone on the go. I pop a container filled with these edible stuff in my handbag and snack on them all day if I know I’m going to be busy and won’t have time for a sit down meal. 
  3. Boiled eggs: this is of my husband’s favourite snacks, especially when he goes cycling. 
  4. Nuts: easy to throw in your handbag and pull it out when you need a little something to take you through to dinner time. 
  5. Dried Fruit not coated with sugar: That goes without saying, since the extra sugar does not make it a very healthy snack option.
  6. Cinnamon popcorn: Who does not love popcorn? And they’ve made it so easy for you to pop in the microwave, but in my opinion, the original one like your mom made in the pot still remains a classic version. Depending on how much you like making popcorn, you could buy an air-popper for your kernels, too. That cuts the amount of oil you need to make the popcorn.
  7. Dark Chocolates: something I never enjoyed until my palate made a complete turn around and sweet was no longer the most enjoyable taste. I buy a 70% cocoa dark chocolate from Woolies. I totally love it. 
  8. Cheese strips: I’m a big dairy lover and cheese, yoghurt, milk, cream and everything dairy I love to bits.  
  9. A fruit bowl with some plain yoghurt: So refreshing and so filling every time. I enjoy this as a full breakfast as well. 
  10. A smoothie or a slow pressed juice: I recently learnt a very interesting thing about smoothies. When you blend fruit you break up its fibre and for that reason it does not keep you full for long. Interesting hey? Slow pressed juices are so refreshing too. 

I hope you try out some of my ideas. Enjoy! 

1 Comment

  1. Alexandra

    Great ideas.


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