I am Rhyna Thiel, happily married and a mom to 3 lively boys!
I absolutely love the healthy, active lifestyle I have. I am a Herbalife distributor, a teacher by profession and I specialize in early childhood development.
On the one hand I love working with children and see myself very privileged to be a part of their development and on the other hand helping women feel their absolute best.
We all have busy schedules, have limited time for ourselves and to get everything done in time. Herbalife helps me to lead a healthy lifestyle, comfortably.
My Journey
In this photo, I followed the 80/20 rule.
In the image on the left I was following 80% exercise and 20% nutrition regimin, but with zero to no results. Although I could finish a marathon, I wasn’t in my best shape physically or mentally.
That is why I am so grateful to Herbalife and their amazing products. I was hungry and desperate for a change.
I can testify of results (increase in muscle mass, decrease in body fat) when I used the products correctly. It is a wonderful feeling to still enjoy your food, be toned and your clothes fit nicely.
With Herbalife it is easy to get the 80/20 principle correct with outstanding results. (80% nutrition and 20% exercise)
It is nutritious, delicious and sustainable.
Herbalife is FUN, SIMPLE, and MAGICAL!!!
Remember… Good habits are hard to form, but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to live with. Set a goal that will make you stretch. With Herbalife it is easy to stay on the meal plan, otherwise you tend to overeat or undereat and make sure you get enough protein in during the day.
My routine
Everyday I enjoy my delicious shake 1st thing in the morning. I always ensure that I have my healthy snacks at hand (protein bar/protein chips, fruit, nuts or biltong).
For lunch I usually enjoy a meal bar covered in dark chocolate. It is packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals and protein. It is delicious, tasty and helps me to not skip a meal.
At 16h00 I enjoy a snack and then at 19h00 a healthy colorful meal for dinner.
What I experienced and treasure is the fact that I experience FREEDOM!!! Freedom to enjoy my food, enjoy these wonderful products, be active when I get the chance, my clothes fit well and I have enough energy to be a present mom.
My weight and body struggles are real just as it could be for you. It can consume us. I am very grateful to have found a solution that is easy to follow and the results that speak louder than words. It enables me to take control of my eating habits and exercise routine and that EMPOWERS me.
My boys also enjoy a shake everyday. It keeps them full, it is packed with protein, vitamins and minerals. They can quickly do their homework and still have the energy to enjoy their sport.
As a family we are healthier and happier.. thanks to this lifestyle!!
My advice to you
- Be 1% better everyday. It is good to know what to do, but it is important to step into action. And to have the wisdom to apply. Before Herbalife, I skipped meals because I didn’t get hungry, then I tend to overeat. Lacked the energy to enjoy life to its fullest.
- Keep it simple!! Enjoy the power of consistency!
- I want to inspire you with this, to be YOUR BEST in 2023.
- Make yourself and your health a priority. Plan what and when you will eat. Increase your activity level, even if it is just walking a few more steps because you use the stairs and not the lift at the mall!
- How you think and talk to yourself is very important. Take responsibility for yourself.
- Be your BEST! Be mindful of what you think and say about yourself.
As a 40 year-old mother I have always been passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. For me, exercise has been a crucial part of that lifestyle, and running has become one of my favorite ways to stay active. There’s something so freeing about putting on my running shoes, blasting some music, and hitting the pavement. Even if it is just for 20 minutes!!
Running not only helps me stay physically fit, but it also gives me a sense of mental clarity and focus that helps me tackle whatever challenges come my way. I also love to share my passion for health and fitness with others, and there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing my customers and team members reach their own health and fitness goals. Whether it’s through running, Herbalife products, or a combination of both, I am committed to helping others live their best lives.
As Jim Rohn said – We are all in the same storm, but different boats but to change your direction you need to adjust your sails.
Success is not what you can do, but what you can enable others to do! (Steven Furtick)
I am grateful to God for this opportunity! Thankful for his grace and goodness in my life!
Contact me if you have any questions or want more information about Herbalife. Rhyna Thiel <rthiel.whk@gmail.com>