Written by Candice Strauss

motherhood | family

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5 May, 2021

The Importance of Date Nights

I believe that date nights for a married couple should not be compromised, yet somehow, many couples put it on the back burner, only to realise they’ve neglected that aspect of their life.  They simply forget to date each other, to flirt with one another, and nurture the bond that brought them together in the first place.

We tend to forget the importance of “date night” because we prioritise other matters and lack the time to spend in each other’s company.

Everyone has different reasons as to why they can’t do date nights but those reasons should never become more important than the relationship itself.  Though you may not have time (or possibly the finances!) on a weekly basis to make a booking at a fancy restaurant or take a stroll along the beach enjoying the sunset, date nights don’t have to be at night…in fact, they don’t have to be “normal” dates at all.

What is the purpose of a date night? Obviously, spending quality time together.  For that, you need to understand and acknowledge the importance of date night every once in a while in your marriage.

Reasons why date night is important:

I’m sharing a few reasons I think date nights are important in a marriage of any length (a year, or a decade!), but I’m sure you have reasons you could share in the comments as well!

  1. Build on your Communication

Date night with your partner allows you to have an unhindered communication between the two of you.  Married couples are often distracted by responsibilities that leave hardly any spare time for them to sit down and have a decent conversation.  Date nights bring couples together where they can leave behind their worries and solely focus on enjoying each other’s company.

  1. Revive Lost Romance

Is dating and courtship important in a relationship? The answer is, ‘Yes, it is!’

Date nights with your partner serve as a constant reminder of your prior romance and the reasons you fell in love in the first place.

You need to remember what life was like before marriage and kids happened. With marriage comes added responsibility and an enormous amount of stress that piles up each day , and often, parenting is added to the mix of stresses! 

Pervasive and continual stress tends to bring out the worst in everyone.  Often, such stress affects the peace and harmony a couple once shared. Date nights give you an opportunity to forget the stress and try focusing on the good things about your marriage, like the connection, a bit of romance and reminiscing about your younger years, instead of the negative ones.

You need to understand the importance of date night before stress and external pressures ruin your chance to a happy, peaceful marriage and life.

  1. Relax and Enjoy Togetherness

Even though you love your kids and enjoy family time together, there are times when you will probably feel like you want to sit back and take a complete break from everything.

Most of us welcome a step back from responsibilities, household chores, and parenting, in exchange for fun and relaxation with your partner.

All you need is a great movie, some popcorn and your partner by your side and your romantic date night is happening!

  1. Set an Example

“Children learn from their parents and imitate them when they grow up.”  Our little people tend to emulate what we demonstrate.

Going on date nights regularly with your partner sets an excellent example for your kids.  Your actions will teach them that relationships are essential and that they take a concerted effort from both parties.  This will help them in the future. They will learn from you and will prioritise their relationships with their partners in the long run.

Investing time and energy in your primary relationships always has a positive yield.  Setting apart special time for your partner not only solidifies your relationship by growing trust, it also lessens the opportunity for future differences when your partner’s love tank is full.  Have date nights, make beautiful music together and build lifelong memories with your love!


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