Verhoudings kan baie keer ongemaklik wees, en soms voel dit soos baie werk. Dit is in hierdie oomblikke wat ons dan net begin “bestaan” en mekaar miskyk…
Hierdie pandemie het baie huwelike en verhoudings onder geweldige druk geplaas. Let’s face it, many women are so independent and we are so used to our own space so when the lockdown hit we were like ‘Oh, snap!! What do I do now? I can’t be in his face 24/7!’
We were, of course, excited about the family time we now have loads of and in the beginning of lockdown it was fairly calm until we started noticing stuff that generally never bothered us.
All of a sudden, the socks on the floor irritate you, the chair with that big bundle of clothes catches your eye, the dishes that are not cleaned shout at you, the untidy lounge makes you lose the plot and that’s when the paw-paw hits the fan…
Now what, hehehe! Hier kom groot stront, nou begin skel jy van die een kant tot die ander. En wie kry die meeste skuld? Jou man! Want hy lê en doen niks, hy kyk net TV en jy is die enigste een (in jou oë) wat iets doen!
Nou vergeet jy van julle ooreenkomste: wie verantwoordelik is vir wat en so aan want op hierdie oomblik voel jy so uitgebrand en jy weet nie eintlik hoe om te vra vir hulp nie, want jy is daai meisie, Mejuffrou “ek sal alles liewer self doen”.
Die gedagte hier is, baie keer gaan ons na default behavior that are actually counterproductive to the situation. It’s best to rather express the need for help and explain how the lack of effort and help from your spouse makes you feel, and then come to an agreement to assist one another because it is a team effort.
Refraining from lashing out and character assassinations and very importantly, that list of transgressions that comes out whenever there is an argument, uhm toss it!! Gooi dit weg, dit help nie, dit vererger eintlik net alles.
Relationships are not as complex as we make them out to be and it really isn’t hard work when we esteem one another highly and choose to protect and nurture, as opposed to breaking down and tarnishing.
Reflect lekker!
All my love
This is so me.??